
2023年10月4日—Aquarter-lifecrisisisaperiodofuncertainty,stress,anddeepsoul-searchingthatmanyyoungpeopleexperienceastheyembarkonanew ...,Inpopularpsychology,aquarter-lifecrisisisanexistentialcrisisinvolvinganxietyandsorrowoverthedirectionandqualityofone'slifewhichis ...,Peopleinintheir20sandearly30sexperienceperiodsofuncertaintyandanxietyduringwhichtheyquestiontheirgoals,plansandevenrelationshi...

What Is a Quarter-Life Crisis?

2023年10月4日 — A quarter-life crisis is a period of uncertainty, stress, and deep soul-searching that many young people experience as they embark on a new ...


In popular psychology, a quarter-life crisis is an existential crisis involving anxiety and sorrow over the direction and quality of one's life which is ...

Understanding The Quarter

People in in their 20s and early 30s experience periods of uncertainty and anxiety during which they question their goals, plans and even relationships.

Quarter-Life Crisis

2022年5月12日 — Learn the 8 signs of a quarter-life crisis — and how you get a handle on overcoming it. Hint: It starts with redefining success.

Signs You're Having A Quarter

2022年6月7日 — When you're unhappy with your life and unsure of what will make you happy, it's uncomfortable. That discomfort will make you think you need to “ ...

What Is a Quarter

2024年2月21日 — During a quarter-life crisis, a young adult may question or doubt their goals, career path, and significant relationships.

What Psychologists Want Today's Young Adults to Know

2022年8月15日 — The generation entering adulthood now faces novel, sometimes debilitating, challenges. Experts offer tools to navigate a “quarterlife crisis.”.

The New Quarter

2024年4月23日 — Quarter-life is a real, often difficult developmental stage. When you become an adult, you move from a highly structured existence, likely in ...

Surviving Your Quarter Life Crisis

2023年8月16日 — The term quarter-life crisis refers to anxiety and self-doubt that some young adults experience during their mid-to-late 20s and early 30s.1 ...